This page contains guidelines and statements produced by the Royal College of Emergency Medicine"s Quality in Emergency Care (QEC) committee. All links take you to college site or specific download page.
Ebola Guidance
- EPRR CRG Opinion on emergency care for Ebola (24 October 2014)
- RCEM Ebola Guidance revised December 2014
More Ebola Guidance
More Ebola Guidance
Further links to information and resources on the 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa:
Public Health England
- Ebola: infection prevention and control for emergency departments (November 2014)
- Ebola: infection prevention and control for primary care (November 2014)
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
World Health Organisation (WHO)
WHO websiteWHO Global Alert and Response (GAR) - Ebola
RCEM / NPIS Guideline on Antidote Availability for Emergency Departments (Dec 2013)
- Antidote Availability Guideline Version 2 released 17 Feb 2014
- Antidote Availability - Appendix 1
- Introductory Letter from RCEM & NPIS
- Letter from NHS England
QEC Position Statements
- Needlesticks - ED care of patients who have been potentially exposed to blood borne viruses(Feb 2013)
- Providing pre-transfusion blood samples for Police (Oct 2011)
- Triage (April 2011) - published by CEM, ENCA, FEN & RCN
- Alcohol related harms (Sept 2010)
- Unscheduled Care Facilities (2009) - Minimum requirements for units which see the less seriously ill or injured. Published by CEC, ENCA, FEN & RCN
QEC Best Practice Guidelines
- Management of Pain in Adults (Revised December 2014)
- Frequent Attenders in the Emergency Department (August 2014)
- Care of Frequent Attenders at Multiple Emergency Departments (August 2014)
- Crowding in the Emergency Department (Revised June 2014)
- Caring for adult patients suspected of having concealed illicit drugs (June 2014)
- Intravenous Regional Anaesthesia for Distal Forearm Fractures (Bier’s Block) (revised March 2014)
- Management of pain in children (revised July 2013)
- Consent, Capacity and Restraint of Adults, Adolescents and Children in Emergency Departments (July 2013)
- The Patient Who Absconds (May 2013)
- HIV Testing in the Emergency Department (Revised Oct 2012)
- Safe Sedation in the Emergency Department - Report and Recommendations by RCOA and RCEM (Nov 2012)
- Management and Transfer of Patients with a diagnosis of Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm to a specialist Vascular Centre (Oct 2012) - Endorsed jointly by the Vascular Society, the Royal College of Radiologists and RCEM)
- "The Silver Book": Quality Care for Older People with Urgent and Emergency Care Needs (Intercollegiate, June 2012)
- Providing a witness statement for the Police (Feb 2012)
- End of life care for adults in the Emergency Department (Feb 2012)
- Clinical guideline use in the Emergency Department (August 2011)
- Management of Adult Patients who attend Emergency Departments after Sexual Assault and / or Rape (June 2011)
- Cervical Spine: Management of alert, adult patients with potential cervical spine injury in the Emergency Department (November 2010)
- Practical guide - a short summary of the above c-spine guideline
- Domestic Violence: Recognition and Management in Emergency Departments(June 2010 - for review in 2014)
- RCEM response to NICE guideline CG92: Venous thromboembolism (April 2010)
- Information sharing to reduce Community Violence (Sept 2009 - updated May 2010 and Aug 2011)
- Ketamine Sedation of Children in Emergency Departments (Sept 2009 - for review in 2014)
- Safeguarding Children (March 2014)
QEC Resource Toolkits
GEMNet Guidelines
The following evidence-based guidelines have been published by GEMNet:
- Suspected Scaphoid Fractures- (Flowchart) (Sept 2013)
- Thromboprophylaxis in ambulatory trauma patients requiring temporary limb immobilisation - (Flowchart) (Oct 2012) Revised version published 2 Sept 2013*
- Information regarding revision Aug 2013
- Example protocol (with thanks to University Hospitals Bristol NHSFT)
- Acute allergic reaction - (Flowchart) (Dec 2009)
- First seizure in the ED - (Flowchart) (Dec 2009)
- Lone acute severe headache - (Flowchart) (Dec 2009)
- Tricyclic Antidepressant Overdose - (Flowchart) (Dec 2009)
QEC Quick Summaries of External Guidelines
Below is a list of College summaries of clinical guidelines relevant to Emergency Medicine which have been produced by external organisations.
- RCEM summary of DVLA fitness to drive medical standards
- RCEM summary of NICE Guideline CG47 - Feverish illness in children
- RCEM summary of NICE Guideline CG54 - Urinary tract infection in children
- RCEM summary of NICE Guideline CG88 - Early management of persitent non-specific low back pain
- RCEM summary of NICE Guidelines CG100 & CG115 - Alcohol-use disorders
- RCEM summary of NICE Guideline CG109 - Transient loss of conciousness
- RCEM summary of NICE Guideline CG112 - Sedation in children and young people
- RCEM summary of Royal College of Nursing National Project - Dignity in dementia
Selected further guidance
- Paracetamol overdose: new guidance on the use of intravenous acetylcysteine (MHRA/RCEM 3rd Sept 2012)
- H1N1 influenza: Principles and resources for EDs (last updated 4th Jan 2011)
RCEM Guidelines
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